[1.3.10] Aristotle’s Categorization of Sciences

“Aristotelian sciences divide into three: (i) theoretical, (ii) practical, and (iii) productive. The principles of division are straightforward: theoretical science seeks knowledge for its own sake; practical science concerns conduct and goodness in action, both individual and societal; and productive science aims at the creation of beautiful or useful objects ….”

Aristotle’s (384-322 BC) categorization of sciences

Science or knowledge (epistemê) is about universal, necessary things with identified causes. Logic in this sense is not a science, it is “just” a tool.
You can find more about Aristotelian Science [1.3.8] and Causes [1.3.4] by following the links.

The source of all citations and more about the topic in: Shields, Christopher, “Aristotle“, The Stanford Encyclopedia of Philosophy (Winter 2016 Edition), Edward N. Zalta (ed.)

First published: 1/5/2019