[6.10.1] Cusanus, Nicolaus on God, Universe, Christ, and Human Being

Nicholas of Cusa (Nikolaus Cryfftz or Krebs in German, then Nicolaus Cusanus in Latin, 1401-1464) “Christian Neoplatonic framework to construct his own synthesis of inherited ideas”. 

  • Cusanus addresses the four categorical realities traditionally found in Christian thought: God, the natural universe, Christ and human beings.
  • God is absolute and maximum.

The following OntoUML diagram shows Cusanus model of God:

Cusanus on God and Christ:
God“Nicholas of Cusa’s most complete set of proposals about what is real occurs in his best-known work of 1440, De docta ignorantiaOn Learned Ignorance. Here Cusanus addresses the four categorical realities traditionally found in Christian thought: God, the natural universe, Christ and human beings.
Nicholas begins with a single trope or symbol to lay out the parallels between his teachings in the three books, that of the “maximum.” God is the absolute Maximum; the universe is a
created image of God, the “contracted” or restricted maximum.
“Absolute” is used in its etymological sense of “free from” (ab-solutus) to characterize God’s infinity. As absolute maximum God is both unlimited and transcendent, unreachable by human conceptions that measure the limited or contracted realm of more and less.” 
AbsoluteAbsolute” is used in its etymological sense of “free from” (ab-solutus) to characterize
God’s infinity. As absolute maximum God is both unlimited and transcendent, unreachable by human conceptions that measure the limited or contracted realm of more and less. 
Once Cusanus conceptualizes human knowing as measuring, he proposes that our knowledge also cannot measure exactly the essence of any limited thing. A fortiori, when it comes to the unlimited God, Nicholas asserts that “there is no proportion between finite and
infinite.” The infinite God remains beyond our ken. Human efforts to understand the depth and implications of this assertion are what will render our ignorance “learn-ed.”
characterizes God
Maximum“Nicholas begins with a single trope or symbol to lay out the parallels between his teachings in the three books, that of the “maximum.” God is the absolute Maximum; the universe is a
created image of God, the “contracted” or restricted maximum.”
characterizes God
Universe“Here Cusanus addresses the four categorical realities traditionally found in Christian thought: God, the natural universe, Christ and human beings.”member of God
Christ “Here Cusanus addresses the four categorical realities traditionally found in Christian thought: God, the natural universe, Christ and human beings.
God is the absolute Maximum; the universe is a created image of God, the “contracted” or restricted maximum. Christ unites the first two as the Maximum at once absolute-and-contracted.”
component of Universe
HumanBeing“Here Cusanus addresses the four categorical realities traditionally found in Christian thought: God, the natural universe, Christ and human beings.”component of Universe


First published: 2023/2/28

3 thoughts on “[6.10.1] Cusanus, Nicolaus on God, Universe, Christ, and Human Being

  1. Kim, Nam-kook 10/10/2023 / 17:21

    It does not work any more, doesn’t it?


    • Damián Nøe Šimek 08/12/2023 / 15:48

      Don’t expect the response from author. I emailed him few days ago and his wife mrs. Török told me that mr. András Komarómi has died on 7th of august this year and she’s trying her best to remain his work to be available on the internet.


  2. A. L. Komáromi 12/12/2023 / 09:04

    András Komáromi is already on God’s side, he returned to his creator on August 7 this year… We, his family, hope the thesis is true.


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